My clients are busy women (and some men) who are ready to invest in themselves with a proven program, coach, and energy work, for fast, tangible results that last a lifetime... and that's exactly what they get.
From stress, overwhelm, insomnia, alcoholism or lack of confidence, to PTSD, heart problems, and suicidal thinking, scroll to see what's possible when you release self-sabotaging emotional baggage - quickly and painlessly, over the phone. - Kelly Rudolph

All stories are 100% true. Some names and images have been adjusted for privacy purposes.
Lifetime Of Difficulty Breathing, Nightmares And Severe Childhood Trauma To Breathing Deep With Peace Of Mind And Peaceful Sleep
Inner Power Breakthrough - 30 Day Program
I suffered over 12 years of physical, sexual and psychological abuse before the age of 14.
Until my work with Kelly, I didn’t realize the “why did it happened to me?” question was still such a part of my adult life. I was so confident that I had let go of that, I was very surprised to find it still there.
More surprised still to learn my lifetime of being short of breath and the diagnosis of asthma was directly related and could be released over the phone. In addition to the “why” being answered which eliminated the emotion around the abuse, my breathing has improved so that I can hike up the hill by my house without the inhaler I used to need before and during that same hike.
Another physical issue I’d had for the past few years was a dramatic tremor in my arm most of the time. It was embarrassing and frustrating. Doctors and a neurologist said there’s nothing specific that causes it and no treatment – that I would just have to live with it.
I've had nightmares since childhood with increased frequency and intensity x 2 years that included screaming, yelling, thrashing around in bed causing my husband to wake me up feeling worried and helpless, which is one of the reasons I sought Kelly out.
I would get 4-5 hours max and was always sleep deprived. Now, I sleep 6-9 hours peaceful and uninterrupted. I feel more rested and healthier than I have in decades. And no more melatonin.
The energy work I did in my Inner Power Breakthrough started the ongoing healing process and the tremor has lessened to intermittent and less dramatic. Setting aside the weight of unnecessary emotions related to the abuse was like finally putting down a heavy backpack carried on that same shoulder.
I have known Kelly for some time and hesitated to ask her for help or how what she does might be a solution for me. I convinced myself that I couldn’t afford it or didn’t have time. When I made the time and found the money, it was the most positive and productive adventure in healing myself that I could ever have participated in. - Annette D., Southern California
From Waking Up With Dread and Overwhelm to Energy and Excitement About Life
Inner Power Access - 30-Day Program
I was waking up feeling overwhelmed with my to-do list. Or I’d look at my calendar and instead of feeling excited about things I loved, like an upcoming trip or friend get-together or work event, I felt dread that I wouldn’t have the energy for them and would let people down.
Even though I had done a lot of personal development and health work I was feeling drained and exhausted. I knew that my physical health self-care was in ship-shape but still felt fatigued consistently.
There was a sense this fatigue was coming from an emotional place and that’s why I connected with Kelly.
The game plan we created for me during our first call was light and fun and easy to add to my routine! It felt approachable and inspiring because it was just a few practical action steps that made sense, and I looked forward to every day!
The energetic protection and emotional release tools I learned in the beginning of our month together were powerful and easy to use every day.
When a situation or a person or task would normally have been draining, or a bit overwhelming, in just 5 to 30 seconds, I could protect my energy, or come up with a clear next step, or feel better. That was such a game-changer!
Kelly even taught me how to make correct decisions every time. I use this one for everything and it's always right! What a confidence-builder!
Things that normally might have made me feel exhausted for the rest of the day or really messed with my schedule were instead just like a tiny little blip. I could use one of these tools and get right back on track.
I also loved how convenient it was to just do a simple phone call to work together. It was easy to fit that into my day and not have to be at my desk.
Kelly was very flexible and it was easy to book our time together whether I needed to schedule a week in advance or the next day. I found the calls themselves to be really fun. I always felt like I was learning something new and like we were having actual conversations.
None of it was heavy or uncomfortable and I also felt like I just got to show up. Kelly was so helpful in guiding the process, she took care of the rest.
Even though we were releasing heavy, deep-rooted things, I never had to re-experience those heavy emotions. I could feel the weight lifted from me immediately and I loved the process so much!
It was very fun and turned out to be really special to me. I now have so much love and compassion for the past versions of myself. It was such a meaningful and positive experience.
The shifts I was experiencing started from the very first day. Using the tools right away, and often, throughout the whole month I got to see real-time results. I’m so grateful to have these tools at my disposal, and I’ll have them for the rest of my life.
Now I wake up feeling way less overwhelmed and anxious. And instead feel I can look ahead to today, to next week and to next month with confidence and excitement. And I no longer spend so much time feeling worried about my energy levels and if I’ll have what it takes to get things done.
Also, in working together, I released the emotion of the fear of making a mistake and then unexpectedly I had to take on an extra role at work and experienced such a great shift. In the past, I would have felt really nervous like I was doing things out of my comfort zone that I might mess up.
And instead, I was just breezing through everything. It felt so simple! I was checking off tons of things and I wasn’t even worried about it.
This program was absolutely valuable and worthwhile. Going into it, I didn’t know what to expect. And I bet a lot of people feel that way. I was a little bit worried, wondering, “will this work for me” and “will I be able to go back and release emotional hang-ups, these pieces of emotional baggage”?
And now on the other side, just 30 days later, I’m so glad that I took that risk, that leap because the process was so fun and I get to go through the rest of my life without that emotional weight. Those things are gone for good including the ones that were making me tired and fatigued every single day! And that’s so powerful. - Elizabeth L., Tennessee
Emotionally Trapped And Attacked To Free And Clear To Move Forward
Inner Power Energy Work - 3 Hour Program
Before we started, I felt out of control. Like I was in the hands of somebody else or was handed a bad deal… like I walked into a rigged game.
I felt like I was dealing with deception on a spiritual level that affected my health. A literal physical attack of life-sucking parasites physically draining me and getting sick often when I’m usually very healthy.
It also affected my ability to move on after setting boundaries in a relationship, as if I was being punished for making a healthy decision for myself.
Working with Kelly for just a few hours, I was able to step outside of my situation to see where this issue originated and how deep it ran in my soul experience as a human.
We went back more lifetimes than I ever anticipated and uncovered some root causes of major issues that hindered my ability to succeed in my life’s purpose.
Now, I feel a huge sigh of relief that no matter what obstacles I’m going to be faced with in the future, I’m always going to come back stronger, wiser and more powerful than who I was before.
With her help, I’m able to be guided to pinpoint the root cause of whatever issue I’m feeling and unroot it, learn from it, and move on in a more powerful way.
I’m truly grateful to Kelly for everything she intuitively helped me with and I felt like it was divine intervention. It’s an honor that she reached out simply to check on me when she did - right when I had called out to the universe for help.
I was reluctant to spend the money but within the first half hour of working with her, I knew it was actually an investment in a healthier and more successful future, and I was right! The investment was truly worth it in more ways than I could have ever imagined. - B. Mack, Salt Lake City, UT
From Feeling Rejected And Undervalued To Powerful Energy And Confidence
Inner Power Breakthrough - 30 Day Program
When I was first referred to Kelly by my friend, who is one of her very happy clients, I was uncertain whether I wanted to continue in my line of work.
What I do is essential, but the topic almost universally makes people uncomfortable. Potential clients often didn’t return my calls.
I felt rejected, undervalued, unmotivated and frustrated with myself for my underperformance.
Through my work with Kelly, I came to understand that the essence of my work is beautiful and powerful.
With the change in my perspective came a corresponding shift in my clients’ perspective. The stigma is diminished, and the value is amplified. My prospects listen to me with an open mind and I’m confident in my business as a result of my energy shift.
A more subtle and beautiful change is also evident in my family life with my husband and child. My relationships, already strong, are even more loving. I am delighted that changing my energy positively impacts the relationships between all family members (including cats).
Since a very young age, my mother and sister badly mistreated me. Through working with Kelly, I was able to understand that they were frightened of what I had to offer and threatened I would overshadow them.
Interestingly, as I’ve come into my acceptance of the power of my energy, certain other people have felt threatened. This includes, notably, my (formerly capable) therapist. Kelly was able to affect the progress I had sought for years in traditional therapy in less than one month.
My guess is that my therapist was aware of the catapult in my mental and emotional states and understood I no longer relied on his help and insight quite so much. He retaliated, screaming at me and dredging up past trauma, in an attempt to persuade me that, in fact, I did.
He claimed that his strong response was in reaction to MY strong energy, which I took as a compliment and made me giggle inside, despite the incredibly awful circumstances.
The moral of the story? We learn, when we are ready, which individuals are truly good for us. Kelly’s modalities take seconds to do what other practitioners take years to do.
Now I approach situations with confidence rather than doubt because I know that changing MY energy changes everything. - Jayne R., New York
From Resentful And Angry To Happy And Positive
Inner Power Energy Work - 3 Hour Program
Before I worked with Kelly I was full of anxiety, resentment and anger.
I was over-reactive to issues at work. I was resentful of certain things going on at home. I was even angry about taking care of things I care about. I had done traditional therapy, worked with other energy practitioners, done reiki and read self-help books, and I was still experiencing all the negativity and struggling emotionally.
I was tired all the time. My physical health was impacted, and I became more frustrated about where that could lead. I experienced unnecessary stress at work. I felt like I’d done so much to help myself and still feeling the same after all of it made me feel hopeless.
After attending two of Kelly’s workshops, I was encouraged that maybe I'd found something that could work.
I was appreciative that she easily worked with my difficult schedule even sometimes meeting on weekends. I never felt rushed and there was plenty of time even though my program was short.
During our sessions, I noticed immediate results. And in my daily life I noticed I didn’t react as much. I felt calm, relaxed, and less anxious.
I learned how to adjust my own energy so that other people's energy would change and conversations would be easier and situations would improve instantly.
It was exciting that resentment and anger could be released so that I feel happy and positive when I used to feel very negative about the same things.
I’m amazed at how the issues are just gone. POOF! I don’t know how else to explain it. Any anger I feel is a small fraction of what I used to feel. Things have calmed down in all aspects of my life.
After my program with Kelly, I feel like a much more peaceful person.
I still get a little anxious but am able to work through it much faster and easier than before.
My marriage is more peaceful and even my pets seem much more calm around me.
I felt I needed to save up more before working with her but my gut just said, “Yeah, just do it!” and it was right. She had a program that was a perfect fit.
I chose to pull money from savings which is usually reserved for emergencies, but this was a good investment towards my health and happiness. I’m looking forward to digging into my savings for more sessions. - Marie D., Southern California
Bottoming Out To Back On Top - After Losing Everything, I Found My Way Back To Peace And Happiness
Inner Power Breakthrough - 30 Day Program
I was living a life that was 100% everything I wanted it to be. I was deliriously happy and fulfilled and then a series of dominos fell and took me down completely to a place where I could not get up.
It lasted so long that I got to a point where I just accepted it as my life… until I couldn’t accept it anymore.
I went from having everything I ever wanted, and so much more than I had ever even dreamed of, to having nothing. I mean literally nothing.
And at the same time I lost all my self-confidence and self-esteem. I was questioning everything I knew about myself and everything I had taught and even who I was.
For a decade I tried to dig myself out of that hole as my skills started coming back to use what I had taught. And still I wasn’t able to get there by myself.
I realized I had dug myself out partially to the point where I had money again and people needed me, respected me and I was providing a great service. But I was still super stressed and not living the life I wanted to live.
I got to the place where I realized I really wanted to take this to the next level, whatever that was. Whether it was just having a better life or getting back to where I was, I knew I needed someone else to help me get there and that Kelly was that person.
I would often hear Kelly share her client success stories.
Now my inner voice was talking to me and saying, “It’s time. She’s the person. Do it now.”
Clearing out the emotional baggage changed everything!
It really gave me a clean slate to start from during the 30 days.
I learned techniques to get instant answers and a course of action, rather than guessing or waiting to see how things would play out. This reduced stress in a huge way and gave me immediate clarity and peace of mind.
The energy protection techniques I learned have been very useful in preventing me from absorbing negative energy when I find myself in the presence of a negative person. That has been a breath of fresh air when it would otherwise have been stressful or antagonistic.
I came from having experienced tremendous success in the past and then having it gone in a flash.
After spending a decade being stuck and frustrated, it got to the point where I sought Kelly out to make a change. And in a matter of 30-days, it was like, Boom!, a decade had been erased.
I feel reconnected to my higher self. My passion and purpose have been reignited. I have more peace and joy and a sense of fulfillment that I haven't felt in 10 years.
The most valuable part of this experience was that I had an amazing life before and now I’m getting right back to it because of this breakthrough.
It was incredibly worth it. And as big as the investment may seem upfront, when you’re on the other side looking back it’s like OMG this was worth so much more than that. And I would say it’s the most worthwhile thing you can do with that amount of money in terms of changing your life.
Kelly makes this process so easy and fun.
And I know she says it will be fun, but in my mind I was ready to do whatever it took because transformation usually involves re-living a lot of pain.
And there was no pain in releasing some very heavy emotions.
I am so happy with the work we have done together in the 30 days and now that it’s over, the results just continue to have a compound effect. The sky's the limit! - Sarah J., Baja, Mexico
From Tired And Struggling To Get Out Of Bed To Confidently Taking Charge Of My Life And Future
Inner Power Breakthrough - 30 Day Program
I had always been able to wake up each morning energized with a fresh new start but had found myself feeling tired and struggling just to get out of bed.
I’d pulled myself up from feeling down before but this time was different and I knew I needed some help to get out of it.
When confiding in a friend, she noticed for weeks that I hadn’t been myself and suggested I attend her friend Kelly’s 1-hour workshop.
The workshop connected me back to myself and inspired me, and I wanted more. During my clarity call, I learned how it could be quicker and easier to get back on track than I thought.
I was going to take a few days to consider the sizable investment but after just a few hours, I knew this was an investment that I deserved and needed to make in myself, and we began immediately.
Working together felt different than I'd imagined. We were both 100% focused on MY results. I learned new tools on day 1 that were life-changing and noticeable every day!
My instant results were exciting and a clear sign I’d made the right decision to jump in.
Our calls felt like two friends having a chick-chat, but it was deep, life-changing, subconscious mind work that Kelly always made fun with lots of laughter.
It was a joy to come home from my 9-5 and work with her when I normally would have felt drained from the day.
Each call left me feeling clearer, lighter and happier. I was releasing emotional baggage and learning new tools I was able to put to use real-time in my day-to-day life. Even difficult conversations were easier with more positive results.
I am still surprised at what we accomplished working one-to-one in just 30 days!
Now, I feel stronger and have more self-confidence. My relationship is a part of who I am instead of me feeling dependent on it for daily happiness and positivity.
Physical symptoms caused by stress, like the hard knot between my shoulder blades, are gone and I know exactly how to keep them away.
With emotional baggage cleared out, new opportunities and people who value my skills have shown up without me doing anything differently. Now I feel I can really contribute to something I believe in that is truly fulfilling, which is an upgrade from where I was just 30 days ago.
I am now even more independent and feel confidently capable and in charge of my own success and future. - Rose F., Missouri
From Self-Doubt And Settling To Confidence And Choosing Who And What Are Best For ME
Inner Power Breakthrough - 30 Day Program
I came into this 30-day experience wanting to focus on my business because I had been “launching” it for two and a half years.
I realized I leaned into training and certification because that felt safer than putting myself out there. I’m really grateful for my training because I know I have the tools I need to help people. But even though I was well-trained and had everything I needed, self-doubt kept me hidden.
I’ve helped a lot of people in my training sessions and because I doubted myself, I wasn't putting myself out there to help others.
Kelly’s energy on her website and her statement about getting clear and confident in who I am, what I want and how to get it is really what pulled me in.
Working with her, it became apparent almost immediately that a recent relationship breakup needed to be worked through first as that is what was ultimately standing in my way of working on my business.
I know all areas of our lives are intertwined, however I found it fascinating how much clearing emotional baggage from one area cleared the way in other areas.
It was an intensive 30 days for me as I focused solely on the inner work that is done during this program. The releases were deeply felt and I could tell they were powerful as some days my body would need to rest afterward. I often felt lighter, more positive, upbeat and very relaxed after a session.
It’s important to note I was really grieving from the breakup so coming out of a session feeling lighter and more positive was amazing. I was wanting a man who will love me and want to spend time and attention on me yet I was afraid that might not be the case.
Now, all that has changed.
I’m looking at this time before my next relationship as “intentional on my own time" to honor, clear, and work on myself.
Now I know I am an amazing, confident catch for the right man who’s on his way and he will be thrilled to love me and be loved by me. I know this man will be a very different kind of man than I was attracting before my work on myself.
My next relationship will be built on a solid foundation of love and confidence instead of coming from a place of aloneness and neediness.
I realize I’d been settling for who someone was and now know that if who they are doesn’t align with my values or keep me feeling strong, they aren’t the right fit and I can move on.
My upcoming relationship has to be different because I'm different.
I have always had a strong spiritual connection and I appreciated Kelly sharing that my intuition is off the charts!
Coming from her perspective, it was very empowering to see how she saw me.
I had no idea how many powerful gifts I have inside that will powerfully impact my clients and ultimately the success of my heart-centered business and income prior to working with her.
After this 30 day experience I can honestly see how I will be more effective in my business with my clients because of my new level of clarity and confidence. I’ll attract a different level of client as well as a different type of man into my life.
I am thrilled with the decision I made to invest in myself in choosing to work with Kelly. I know it will pay off ten-fold! - Carin M., Scottsdale, AZ
From Past Relationship Holding Her Emotionally Hostage To Freedom For Sleep, Confidence, Healthy Boundaries And Healing
Inner Power Energy Work - 6 Hour Program
I’d looked forward to receiving Kelly’s Positive Women Rock emails for 18 months because they are always positive and encouraging and I always felt better after reading them.
When she offered a one-hour workshop on how to protect myself from energy of negative people and situations, I signed up immediately.
I’d been wondering what it would be like to work with her and the workshop was a perfect way to find out. When she checked in to thank me for participating, I said, “Working with you is exactly what I need.”
The time-flexibility to accommodate my busy schedule and her willingness to custom design a program to fit my needs and budget was appreciated.
One of the many things I didn’t expect was that we would become fast friends. That was an extra bonus since healthy adult female friendships can be difficult to find. Especially with someone who is so on the same page, you finish each other’s sentences.
She kept things light and positive and that really made our work together fun, and I believe even more effective. I love my results!
The life coaching that was wrapped around the energy work to release emotional baggage was often as powerful as the energy work itself.
I was shocked by how a couple sentences could put into perspective what I’d been struggling with for decades. I was grateful to work with someone so experienced and knowledgeable to know just what to say and what I needed to learn to turn things around.
The energy work improved how I felt in the morning, which I wasn’t expecting. I had attributed waking up tired to a physical challenge. But after energy work, I realized that I feel refreshed and peaceful each morning instead of anxious.
There were many positive surprises like this one during my program. Working with the subconscious mind is a whole new level of healing for me.
It was such a relief to learn why people in my life say and do the things they do.
Many things that had baffled me for decades and caused me to fall into conflict with challenging family members when my buttons got pushed. Now… no more buttons.
This released so much undo stress and negative energy. I was carrying all that in my body and it had caused serious physical ailments that puzzled even doctors for many years.
One physical issue was extreme breast tenderness and bruising for 8 months that disappeared during an energy session when I released an old relationship that I thought I’d put behind me.
I experienced why you can never release something completely without going to the storage vault in the subconscious mind to do it. That new perspective explains why so many other methods are difficult and ineffective.
My interpersonal relationships have greatly improved with all this new understanding and release of all the emotional baggage that had snowballed. Now, I confidently enforce healthy boundaries and people are responding to me differently. It feels good and strong.
It seemed I’d been wearing a happy face my whole life because I was supposed to. NOW I feel authentically positive. And I no longer get triggered back to old emotional baggage that kept me stuck. I feel free! - Ava W., Arizona
Lifetime Of Bullies To Zero Bullies - Happy, Empowered, Peace Of Mind
Inner Power Access - 30 Day Program
I have been in and out of traditional therapy for 20 years of my adult life. I kept going back to the same stuff over and over and it was painful and difficult and ugly at times and with no real resolution.
I was in yet another abusive relationship at my workplace again and Kelly asked, “Why do you think you keep attracting bullies?” and I said “I don’t know. Can you help me?” And she said "YES" with complete confidence! I had an illuminating moment. She knew the reason and the solution for something I’d struggled with most of my life.
I felt hope and trust and some anxiety about moving forward thinking it’s quite an investment and wondering if it would work for me.
And I trusted Kelly to pull it all together to alleviate that trepidation and fear.
The work with her was much simpler than I expected it would have been. She’s very direct so we got right to the point and then to the solution quickly. I felt very comfortable and safe.
I thought there might be crying and hard work like in therapy but was surprised it was easy and fun. Even with the seriousness of the deep inner work we were doing, she injected humor and we found ourselves laughing.
What became clear was the reason I attracted bullies all my life and how to prevent that from ever happening again. I felt empowered, worthy, healthy and whole for the first time! And it’s lasting and part of me now. Those feelings surround me every single day.
Kelly gave me the exact recipe to get the results I wanted and because of her proven system the results were so much bigger than I could’ve ever imagined. And it was all contained on a one-page game plan.
The following day the bully situation at work stopped. With the new feeling of worthiness, my boundaries showed up again with empowering language and energy that resulted in instant positive changes.
* Kelly called my attention to the different language I started using that got the instant results and we hadn’t even worked on that! It was a surprise bonus that came from the energy shift created by releasing deep-seated self-sabotaging emotional baggage.
The important things on my one-page game plan have manifested and it’s because of my mind shift, my energy shift and all the things we did in just a few sessions in this 30-day program. I’m so pleased and happy! I feel blessed to have worked with Kelly.
It’s so amazing to see how many positive things came to fruition in such a short period of time. - Keli M., Texas
From Incapable And Unimportant To Clear And Confident
Inner Power Access - 30 Day Program
I have worked on myself for years since 2014 with meditation, affirmations, law of attraction, etc. I have read numerous books on spirituality as well as neuroscience and even took an NLP class to avoid certain words in communicating and to learn how the brain and subconscious mind works.
With all that, even though I was feeling pretty good about where I was, there were specific things that kept coming up and I couldn’t seem to manage effectively.
The first was my lack of confidence speaking up in business meetings after a recent promotion. My colleagues all believed in me, but I didn’t believe in myself. I was afraid of not being the leader I was supposed to be.
The second was the relationship with my brother. Every interaction with him launched me into a childhood pattern of behavior that dragged me down and seemed to knock me back a few steps in all the inner progress I had made. I would be left feeling defeated and disempowered.
I met Kelly 7 years ago at an NLP course and had been friends with her on Facebook ever since, so I was familiar with her client success stories. When I started feeling like I needed help, I intuitively felt called to contact her.
After our Clarity Call, we decided we were a good fit to work together - both being very selective about who we work with. Even though it was a financial stretch for me, I knew this could be the solution I had been seeking and I was right.
In just a few hours over the course of 1 month, I was able to identify and release all the emotional baggage I hadn't been able to clear out for 7 years.
The release was simple, quick and effective. For example, I realized my lack of confidence at work was because I was feeling incapable and unimportant. This feeling had been embedded deep inside my psyche and wasn’t something I could consciously identify and address. Once we released it, the mess seemed to clear and what came out was the truth, and my confidence naturally returned.
After working with Kelly, I feel ‘cleaner’, more present and more capable than I ever have before. Kate S., Southern California
From Being Bullied Into PTSD At Work To Confidence X 10
Inner Power Breakthrough - 30 Day Program
As a passionate and loyal professional at a fashion company in New York, a bullying coworker was promoted to my boss. Her toxic attitude and manipulative behavior negatively affected my passion for my profession and even tarnished my love for New York.
Even though (and maybe because) I stood up for myself, I got punished with poor performance reviews that turned a career I loved into something I hated. Things that were easy in the past became hardships due to burnout.
I felt unappreciated, taken advantage of, betrayed and disrespected. I felt so insecure that I became defensive in my life in general because something I loved and looked forward had become unsafe. Feeling paralyzed in a cocoon of ruminating became my norm.
I read one of Kelly’s articles about bullies during my train ride home from a doctor’s appointment for PTSD caused by the bullying (with a prescription for medication in hand). Kelly had more positive, permanent solutions than I’d experienced in 7 years of talking about my problems in therapy. I also saw that one of her clients had healed from PTSD, so I knew I had to speak with her.
Learning how powerful my subconscious mind is and how to tap into that power to quickly improve my life has been crucial to solving the PTSD and so much more.
Releasing emotional baggage that kept me stuck and struggling raised my confidence tenfold!
The empowering language I learned and the subconscious energy behind it dramatically improved the way I communicate and the results I get.
Our calls were fun, and I looked forward to them. Even though it was powerful work, we laughed a lot and it was like talking to a girlfriend on the phone.
After my Inner Power Breakthrough, I feel confident, inspired and enthusiastic about my life and my business. Tapping into my inner power in building my business based on my values and boundaries has already opened doors I couldn’t have opened otherwise and produced unexpected tangible results. I’m thrilled with my work with Kelly. - Robin O., California Bay Area
10 Years Of Alcoholism Destroyed Her Career, Hurt Her Family And Almost Took Her Life
Inner Power Breakthrough - 30 Day Program
As a USC Journalism major and 25 years as an international branding and advertising professional, I was devastated after a very painful divorce from an alcoholic. I was terrified of him, so I numbed myself for 10 years with my own alcoholism. When my wonderful current husband came into my life, I almost destroyed our family with my emotional baggage from the past. Therapy, A.A. and a recovery program didn’t work for me, I was still looking for answers and a solution. My husband, son and parents were always worried about when I would end up in the hospital again or worse. I felt pathetic, like a failure that had let my family down.
My husband noticed a visible difference in a friend after she’d worked with Kelly and asked what she’d done. Little did I know he was arranging my work with Kelly 6 weeks before he told me. He had to be certain before suggesting yet another treatment. But after researching her 30-day Inner Power Breakthrough program, we were confident she could help.
Now, I can honestly say things don’t bother me as much. Even traffic and people who used to upset me don’t bother me anymore. And now I’m making better, more conscious and healthy decisions and that includes alcohol. In fact, there’s nothing to numb myself from anymore and I feel powerful in my life again. My mom is amazed at the difference she sees in me and says she’s extremely proud of me. It feels so good and our relationship has flourished. My husband and son are more relaxed and happy because of the changes in me and I can finally be the wife and mother they deserve. - Michelle P., Southern California
From Devastating Business Situation To Clarity, Confidence And Healthy Boundaries
2-Hour Coaching Session
I contacted Kelly for help with a very uncomfortable client situation that drained by business and my self-confidence.
I feel invigorated by all her personal and business insights I hadn’t heard from anyone else. Our 2-hour call was like an all-inclusive personal development and business marketing and client attraction plan.
Kelly walks her talk and that is the #1 reason I listen to her. Of all the people in my life, I knew she was the only one who could understand completely and give me the next powerful steps to solve the problem. She inspired me to believe in myself, my product and my clients.
Based on her own business model, she helped me establish new healthy boundaries that align with my values. And after she clarified the REAL reason the situation happened, I have confidence to enforce them! This alone is priceless to me. It will prevent any future events like the one that caused me to reach out to her in the first place.
Now, I feel energized, invigorated, inspired, at peace and calm with who I am, the choices I make and the boundaries I enforce. In addition, Kelly helped me realize that I had done everything right in the uncomfortable situation and that I can stand in my power. - Alli C., California Central Coast
From Bad Decisions And Relationships To Self-Value And Good Role Model For Kids
Clarity & Confidence Jump Start - 2 hours of energy work
I’ve read self-help books, have been a social worker, trained in Reiki and other energy work, studied coaching, and coached others. But when it came to my own life, I kept making decisions that made me feel like I’d fallen in a hole with bad relationships that seemed to destroy what I'd built. I wanted so much to feel strong and be a good role model for my children. I needed to know how to stop the destructive cycle and turn things around.
Reading her articles and hearing others refer to Kelly’s expertise in her field, I reached out to her. Within a few short hours we were working together. I sat outside in nature during our phone call. And amazingly, when I opened my eyes a baby deer was standing a few feet away looking right at me! I saw it as a metaphor for my fresh new start.
Months after just two hours of energy work, I’m more at peace with my own decisions and valuing myself and what I want, which has made me strong and focused to provide for my family without getting distracted by other peoples’ problems and bad relationships. I feel excited about my and life and have a better relationship with my children just like I wanted! - Sam R., Alberta Canada
15 Years Of Insomnia, My Life, And My Entire Family Healed
Inner Power Breakthrough 30-Day Program
I’d had insomnia for 15 years. I was so tired I couldn’t even function properly in my practice or in my personal life. I felt overwhelmed and exhausted to the point of being paralyzed by the mounting responsibilities and was afraid I would not be able to keep it all together much longer.
Aside from struggling with a toxic relationship with my adult daughter, my romantic relationship was uncertain, and I felt completely helpless about both.
I was feeling excited but insecure with fear and lack of confidence moving into an executive level leadership role in my profession. Although I’d done well in all the training, the not-good-enough feeling kept popping up. In addition, I was in a time-crunch to sell my successful 20-year practice and move out of state and wasn’t finding the right buyer.
Kelly was flexible and worked with me late at night and on weekends to fit my busy schedule. I haven’t had insomnia since my first call with her! The tools I acquired made figuring out life and relationships so much easier that it reduced stress and overwhelm instantly. I felt like I could finally take charge of my life with confidence. I was surprised by how quickly I released emotional baggage from the past without even having to relive any painful experiences. Her program is powerfully effective. The energy work we did to attract the right buyer for my practice worked immediately.
Since my breakthrough month of March 2018, I feel empowered and I’m happy to say my previously uncertain relationship has turned into a wonderful marriage! My new career path and home in my new state have worked out well. My life is so different now. I’m able to stand fully in my own power and feel confident.
I wanted my daughter to experience the freedom from emotional baggage as well, so she also had an Inner Power Breakthrough. Rather than just healing my life, Kelly has healed our entire family! - Tatiana L., San Diego, CA
5 Months of Pain 90% Gone in 1 Hour
Emotional Release Session
“Hey Kelly it's Laura and I'm following up and let you know I'm extremely impressed and grateful!
The pain I was suffering from for 5 months is about 80 to 90% gone after our energy session. To the point that I cancelled my MRI and my bone scan and my appointment with my doctor for next week. And I have you to thank for that.
You guided me to a powerful way to take care of myself and I appreciate you!" - Laura S., California
Solved Heart Problem 6 Doctors Could Not Figure Out
Emotional Release Sessions
Six doctors including emergency room doctors and a cardiologist could not figure out why my heart was fluttering, my blood pressure was so high, and my oxygen level was so low.
EKG's, ultrasound, X-rays, wearing a cumbersome heart monitor, and “testing everything” as they put it, resulted in zero answers and a LOT more fear and anxiety on my part!
They prescribed drugs for symptoms and more drugs to counteract the side-effects.
It was physically uncomfortable, time-consuming, frustrating, confusing, and scary because every prescription was a new experiment… on me. It was clear the doctors didn’t know the cause of the problem or the solution. I felt like I was stuck in a bad dream that could potentially take my life without anyone knowing why.
During all of this, I was booked for an out of state trip to sort through my best friend’s beloved belongings after his recent passing. It was a heartbreaking situation and neither my heart or mind were feeling up to it. Sadness and depression were now joined by fear, anxiety, and uncertainty about my own health and future.
When I told Kelly, her eyes lit up with confidence that emotions were the culprit and that she could definitely help. Her success with physical issues was impressive and we began immediately.
Over the phone, we traced fear and anxiety to a recent situation that had triggered very painful memories from my childhood. They were filled with emotions too big and too deep to comprehend during conscious thought. While she guided me on a pain-free inner journey, I released things I thought I had let go of decades ago. They were still haunting me. I was shocked!
I feel more confident and have certainty in a healthy future. Fear isn’t getting in the way. Anger from the past isn’t blinding me in my life today like it had been without my knowledge. I can see. And I feel more. Life feels good, physically and emotionally!
Feeling strong and balanced while sorting my late friend’s memories and loved belongings surprised me.
Each time we worked together, the better I felt! And it was permanent. The physical pain in my stomach that had been a constant companion… disappeared.
Follow up doctors’ appointments showed scientific results and I was taken off the medications.
My confidence grew, knowing a simple phone call could find and release the root cause the physical issues I was having as well as several life-long emotional stumbling blocks to weight, success, love, and self-esteem was nothing short of miraculous.
I see and feel tangible results daily yet so much more of my progress is intangible. I can’t articulate it or put words to it. - Don C., California
From Angry And Cynical Back To Confidence And Passion
Life Coaching Session
For 7 years I’ve been an aviation photographer and videographer and provided coverage of aviation events online to a world-wide audience. With exclusive access to restricted military locations and the privilege of flying with the U.S. Navy Blue Angels shooting video during their performance as well as shooting from aircraft to aircraft alongside many other world-famous airshow performers, my experiences have been amazing.
By the time I spoke with Life Coach Kelly Rudolph, I had lost interest and my passion for shooting aviation and was ready to quit. Having become friends with her through aviation circles, she knew the value of my work and after discussion, pin-pointed why I felt the way I did and how to resolve it.
The competitive nature of my profession and under compensation or lack thereof left me feeling angry, cynical, and disrespected doing what I used to love. The coaching I received from Kelly brought me to truly realize and tap into my value and confidence.
Just a few hours of working with her provided the clarity of mind to establish and enforce new requirements and guidelines for my services that allow me to feel respected and valued. Instead of feeling driven by others, I took the wheel and now feel in charge of my future and have my passion back for what I love. Even my wife noticed my instant attitude change and happiness returning and sent a thank you note to Kelly. - Scott P., Southern California
PTSD, 3 Traumatic Brain Injuries And Suicidal To Strong And Confident
Inner Power Breakthrough
When I first heard Kelly on an interview, the thing that stood out the most was her talking about being stuck and how to get free. I can always fix things for everyone else but I couldn’t fix my own life. And that made me feel like I was flailing around and still drowning. My gut instinct literally screamed I think this is what I’m looking for. Then I read her website and after reading 3 of the many success stories I went against my intense skepticism of online help and immediately plunged in and scheduled a Clarity Call that changed everything.
I felt like there was a gray cloud hanging over my whole life and suffocating me. I didn’t see any end or sunlight coming in. There was just no end to the funk I was in.
I was a casualty of 30 years of military trauma resulting in 3 traumatic brain injuries and severe Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Normal daily things would trigger the intense reactions that kept me alive in Afghanistan and Iraq but were completely inappropriate for everyday life. I over reacted to situations that weren’t life and death but they felt like life and death to me. It was wreaking havoc on every relationship in my life including work, family, romantic, and friends. I was in survival panic mode but didn’t know how to get out.
After the 3rd TBI (traumatic brain injury) I was severely impaired to the point of not being able to fill out the forms or process the information necessary to get the financial resources and help I needed. This left me with an impending sense of doom. Not being mentally capable to work, I drained every asset within my disposal – I owed the IRS thousands, depleted every investment, 401K and savings I had acquired over the last 30 years. I was at my wits end and saw no way out. I was literally suicidal.
What was shocking and hard to swallow was the concept that my own energy and emotions had attracted all of the events that had taken me down. One of the crucial things Kelly taught me was that unwittingly, I was adding to the snowball of negative emotions that were passed down to me from generations back and not of my choosing. And this was creating a perpetual avalanche that landed my life in constant crises.
The lifeline that Kelly offered saved me from drowning. She showed me how to empower myself and walked me through releasing the prison of emotions that kept me trapped. Her techniques were different from any other counseling I’ve ever had and the results are immediate and permanent. The results are so astounding, it’s hard to put into words. I have gone from unable to function during a normal day to feeling clear and confident and capable of handling any situation.
The mountains of bureaucratic forms and processes that were once overwhelming are now understandable and I have completed them just a few weeks after my Breakthrough Day. I approach my life with a whole new perspective. What was once frustrating and difficult is now simple and easy. She showed me how to set up a new powerful vibrational pattern for my life so that now I attract happiness and health versus frustration and hindrances.
Close relationships make sense and are easy for me to navigate. I went from a rocky relationship that was headed for a breakup to complete harmony and restoration and now we’re both very happy. A dear friend and battle buddy who was suffering worse than I, noticed the dramatic change and sought Kelly’s help and it’s worked for both of us. - MSG Teri O., Orlando, Florida
Solved Heart Problem Doctors Couldn't Figure Out
Clarity & Confidence Jump-Start (2-hour energy session)
My heart was acting up badly and hurting. It was out of sync and wouldn't beat right because I was really upset about a relationship. I didn’t want to move. I didn’t want to get out of bed. I just wanted to cry. I didn't want to eat, I didn't care what time of day it was... nothing.
Last time this happened with my heart, it went on for 20 days. I was in Urgent Care, then the Emergency Room, then with a Cardiologist. I was afraid to go to sleep because I thought I might die. The cardiologist said it was stress and there was nothing he could do. I didn’t need medicine. I didn’t need surgery. It was just stress.
Since that first episode 4 months ago I hadn’t felt that my heart was ever right again. I always felt like it was half broken. I was so weak, my heart was beating so hard and out of sync that I felt like I was going to faint all the time.
Then, I got to work with Kelly for 2 hours over the phone and everything changed!
My life has never been better, actually. NEVER been better. Now I feel happy like there’s a big cushy bubble all around my heart and it just feels GOOD for the FIRST time in my life! My mind stopped constantly wandering to that relationship with all the emotion... hour-after-hour, day-after-day, controlling my life.
I got rid of the anger, fear, sadness, hatred, and abandonment from my life and generations before me. So much of who I was and what I felt every day was ruled by pain my mother and grandmother had… and passed down to me. All of that is gone! I can think clearly. I’m a new person! I had no idea how much all the baggage from past generations was holding me back. Now I can see where it came from, and for the first time in my life (and I’m 54), I feel like myself. I’m happy now. I like ME now. I feel confident. I’m thrilled when people tell me how happy I look and feel to be around. - Debi G., San Diego, CA
Anxiety, Depression, Hopeless, Sadness, Suicidal To Confident & Happy
Inner Power Breakthrough - 30 Day Program
For years I suffered from anxiety/depression, low self-esteem, and intermittent insomnia. I lost my job because it was so stressful I went on disability and couldn't return to work.
I was also struggling in an unhealthy relationship, and felt hopeless about my future. I went to bed worried and began my day with worry, and I was always tired.
Counseling, medication, and a lot of self-help books left me still feeling sad, confused and stuck.
During my Breakthrough day on the phone with Kelly, I learned how beliefs embedded in my subconscious were creating roadblocks to happiness and draining my energy. I was guided through releasing all the negative garbage that was keeping me unhappy and stuck. She walked me step-by-step to create confidence, and healthy boundaries that align with my values and empower me to live the life I want--and deserve.
The process was easy and comfortable. I didn't need to talk about or re-live anything from the past, it was pain free ...and we laughed a lot.
That day I learned I could dramatically improve all areas of my life in just a few hours. I learned that change didn't need to take me a long time or be hard work. I simply had to value myself enough to make ME a priority.
During our follow-up call, Kelly explained the science behind even more unexpected changes, like no longer craving sweets and being drawn only to healthy foods. Her ongoing support has been invaluable.
In just one day I went from feeling depressed, worried and stuck to feeling happy, confident and free! It's like I've been given a "get out of jail free card."
I find myself going to sleep with a smile on my face. Every day is like a new discovery about myself and I have so much energy! I now have the tools I need to create the future I want, one in which I can make a significant contribution while helping others along the way.
My day with Kelly has positively impacted everyone around me. Even my family members are treating each other more lovingly. Each day I wake up inspired and excited, feeling grateful, and loving myself...and life. What a difference!
UPDATE: Two months after my breakthrough I've realized that I no longer worry ...about anything; including my future, family, work, health, relationships. I have an inner trust and faith that I'm on the right path and everything works out well. And this new energy alone has created new, empowering opportunities and friendships.
I have no fear of failure either. Whereas before, I was afraid to raise my hand and ask a question, now I'm in Toastmasters learning to speak in public and I'm good at it! I'm taking dance classes and doing things I've always dreamed of but never had the courage to do. And I confidently go by myself and meet new people when I get there.
Before, I didn't even want to get up in the morning to face the life I dreaded. Now, I bounce out of bed and wish there were more hours in the day to take advantage of all of my opportunities.
Everyone (even strangers) tell me I look really happy and they are right. I AM HAPPY, for the first time in my life, I'm happy! - Laura V., Chicago
Severe Migraine Symptoms for 9 Days Eliminated
Emotional Release Sessions
I experienced severe pressure and pain on right side of my head while traveling. I had difficulty hearing, light sensitivity, couldn’t lay down flat, stand, or walk very far. I had no appetite, so I wasn't eating properly plus difficulty chewing due to pain. That added to a lack of patience and coping mechanisms, and I was easily rattled and quick to get angry and frustrated.
Pressure from a hurricane increased the pressure in my head, and I still had two flights to get home to Central America, which increased the pressure even more. It was painful and very scary not knowing what was wrong! I felt drained, and exhausted.
I went to the emergency clinic twice where the doctor's best guess was a severe migraine, which I'd never had before. But it just seemed to go on and on...
I was so happy to work with Kelly to find the root of the problem. I felt extremely comfortable and she made it easy even though we were in two different parts of the world. She explained how we'd find the emotional cause for the pain and pressure and release it. As she walked me step-by-step through her system, it made it easy to trust her personally, along with her knowledge and experience.
Releasing the emotional cause for the issue that spanned many generations and past lives took just minutes and the results were instantaneous. I immediately felt relief. The pressure in my head lessened dramatically. I could hear better, and I couldn’t help but smile.
By our 3rd session within a few days, I felt mostly back to my normal self, able to do more things with more endurance and stamina. I stopped pain and anti-inflammatory meds within 36 hours of our first session.
I’m ever so grateful for this phenomenal gift and the release of all the negative emotion I had no idea was there. - Sandy H.P., Costa Rica
Traumatic Memories - Released for Business & Relationship Success
Inner Power Breakthrough - 30 Day Program
With my 50th birthday approaching, I realized I was in a pretty good place but felt there was room for improvement. When I heard Kelly on a webinar, I was relatively confident I’d found my next teacher, and that she could take me to the next level of my life and help me get the relationship component where I wanted it to be. Turns out, my instinct was right!
She was speaking my language about energy work and clearing from lifetimes and generations back. It was work I’d begun with another healer on an annual basis, and I was excited to continue that work in an accelerated time frame.
As a confident and powerful communicator, and the (unofficial) proofreader for my company, I was surprised to learn how to shift energy merely by adjusting my choice of words. I can instantly (and often completely) improve conversations and situations with everyone in my life just with the words I use and the energy of them. I’ve found these tools to be extremely useful when applied to my professional communication with clients, prospects, co-workers, and management. For me, specific language is very important, and very high-level language is integral to both my corporate career as well as my more creative one. Now, I use it as a powerful energy-shifting tool.
I was surprised, fascinated and happy to learn that I can release traumatic memories without feeling the associated emotion all over again. In my experience before meeting Kelly, the only way to achieve these results would have been through remembering and reliving the pain, trauma, and intense emotion. Instead, I found myself wondering if I was “doing it right” because I wasn’t revisiting any trauma. I was merely following Kelly’s instructions (over the phone), while sitting comfortably on my couch with my eyes closed. I am very happy with her peaceful process and my excellent results!
People in my life noticed the shift, although they didn’t realize what had changed. It was an exciting confirmation from the outside of what I was feeling inside. Inside, I noticed the difference when I was in familiar situations where I found myself reacting differently than I had before.
The first time she saw me after my Inner Power Breakthrough, a good friend at work, who saw me every day and knew I was going to be doing this work with Kelly, took one look at me, and then smiled and nodded. “Yeah. Your eyes are different. There’s a new light emanating from your eyes.” It felt so good to see the clarity I felt on the inside evident on the outside!
I also gained a whole new awareness of how I had been absorbing other people’s energy and emotions and taking them on as my own. Now, I am much more attuned to my own energy, and use the energetic protection and emotional release tools I learned to keep me clear and energetically aligned with what I want for my life.
I hadn’t been in the dating world for a while and now, after this work, I am happy to be magnetizing a higher caliber of men, who are much closer to what I’m looking for. The experience feels different now. There’s space for the right people to come into my life because that area was cleared of emotional "junk-balls" (as Kelly calls them) from the past. That openness, along with my clarity of what I truly want, allows me to relax and attract what I desire from a place of confidence. - Susan G. New York, NY
PTSD, Suicidal, Relationship Challenges To Strong & Confident Woman & Mom
Inner Power Breakthrough - 30 Day Program
While honorably serving my country for 30 years (to include three over-seas tours) the organization I believed in turned on me. I felt completely hopeless and rejected. The attack on my character affected my ability as a leader in my own household.
As I controlled my behavior at work, I became a tyrant at home and my husband and child received the brunt of it. Our relationships suffered tremendously as they also became casualties of this attack. I felt completely betrayed as I was fired for enforcing the rules I was sworn to uphold. Everything I knew to be good and right was turned upside down. I didn’t know how to process what was done to me and how to move forward.
The unbelievable stress took a toll on me emotionally and physically. The deep darkness engulfed me, to the point I couldn’t see light. It caused me to gain weight and I systematically excluded myself from the world. I didn’t have hope. I couldn’t see a future.
But with light comes hope. Understanding why people react the way they do according to their own emotional baggage shed light on the behavior of those who attacked me.
I gained clarity about what truly happened. Now, I see that it was a small group of high-level poor-performers who saw me as a threat to their success for holding them accountable.
My strength and confidence greatly improved throughout my Inner Power Breakthrough with Kelly. And the tools she gave me during this process have made me a better leader.
Releasing the emotional baggage dramatically improved my home life and relationships with friends and family.
Prior to my work with her, I feel like I was always on a slow boil ready to explode. Even the slightest mishap like misplacing my car keys or a credit card would throw me into a screaming raging fit. Having released the pent-up anger, I now respond with an appropriate level of emotion and feel much more in control.
I felt relief as we worked through many different emotions and felt calmer. As we released them, there was a sense of freedom that I hadn’t felt in years.
My family relationships are healing and I feel like an even better mom and spouse. I am grateful for being calmer and able to think. Now, I see a much brighter future. - P.O., 30 years Military Officer, Ohio
Stuck, Overwhelmed, Grief, Impending Knee Surgery To Confident With Healed Knee Without Surgery
Inner Power Breakthrough - 30 Day Program
Everyone’s rock-bottom year is different. Mine included a horrible breakup, friends and family dropping dead at an alarming rate, and job changes. The one bright spot was moving to a new city on my own and finally feeling settled. Or so I thought.
While things were going well, after a bit I started to feel stuck in my new surroundings. I was about to start a new business, yet felt overwhelmed and unsure of how to present myself to potential clients. I was also frustrated as I tried to build a social circle in my new city. While therapy had helped me tremendously in the past, it just didn’t feel like it would be effective for the re-boot I knew I needed. Enter Kelly’s Inner Power Breakthrough program.
I’ll be honest: I never, ever thought I would sign up for a program like this. To my urban east-coast ears these programs sound too new-agey and California: they promise a lot of sunshine, but are light on the results.
I am thrilled I took a leap of faith and my doubts proved completely, utterly wrong. Here’s what Kelly’s program has done for me just three months after my breakthrough.
The program is very comprehensive: it includes some pre-work before, and thirty days of support after, the Breakthrough Day. The way Kelly integrates the pre-work into the actual Breakthrough Day is fascinating, and the amount of self-reflection I gained just from doing the pre-work was worth the investment I made in the entire program.
As I worked with Kelly my outlook shifted and the clarity I gained started to produce solid results. Career-wise I landed new clients who were excited to work with me and paid my consulting rates without question. Personally, I released old patterns that were preventing me from seeing myself in a healthy light. People started complimenting me on my energy—always a thrill!—and I felt my overall confidence soar.
Most fascinating of all were the results of the energy work. By releasing old patterns that were holding me back, I resolved a long-festering knee injury that had plagued me for two years. My knee has been pain-free for weeks, and I am still freaked out, and thrilled, that it’s healed. UPDATE: No knee pain since Jan. 2017! ~My career continues to go in the direction I want, I’m finding new, healthy relationships and expanding my social circle, and most important of all, I feel confident and capable in the settled life I’ve built for myself. - Emily R., Writer, New York, NY
PTSD, Terrifying Attack, Trauma, Rape Trial, Insomnia To Confident & Excellent Role Model For Her Kids
Inner Power Breakthrough - 30 Day Program
When I contacted Kelly, I had just suffered a terrifying, violent attack by someone close to me. Her personal triumph after domestic violence gave me confidence that she was the one to help. I was devastated and depressed. I felt hopeless, and anxious, and had insomnia. I was afraid to close my eyes because the attack happened during my sleep when I couldn’t defend myself.
The psychiatrist gave me Prozac for anxiety and depression, and powerful sleeping pills, telling me that without them, I could easily end up in the hospital. I imagined losing my job and not being able to take care of my kids if that happened. But the medication made me feel drugged and emotionally numb, and not at all like myself. Almost falling asleep behind the wheel while taking my kids to school was the turning point, and my first conversation with Kelly changed everything!
I got a new perspective, released the guilt, and created an emotionally safe place for me to heal. I made a personal choice to stop taking the medication, and canceled my appointments with the doctor. It felt so much better to have clarity of mind and understanding so I could keep my full-time job and stay strong for my children.
I truly believe if it had not been for Kelly, I would have continued with the medication and maybe ended up in the hospital for a nervous breakdown or possibly hurting myself. I wouldn’t have survived the restraining order hearing and trial. As it turned out, I came across strong, credible, and empowered during this horrible experience (says an attorney of 30 years)! My attitude was that of a survivor, instead of victim. I honestly didn’t know I had it in me.
No one could have done what I did all drugged up, and emotionally numb from medication. It’s like taking a woman’s power away AGAIN after the initial assault! Instead, Kelly showed me how to step into my power and protect it.
My court-appointed advocate said she, “has not had the honor of seeing a client so strong and determined to defend herself and children.” She said I am a good advocate for my daughter and that she’s lucky to have me as her mom!
Kelly, I cannot thank you enough! - Yuli H., San Diego, CA
Worry, Stress, Heavy Heart
2o-Minute Emotional Tune-Up
"Last night I felt that my heart was so heavy. I was stressed and concerned about my mom and sister. I was also worried and torn in two different directions regarding work, unclear about the path I want to take.
Kelly and I did 20 minutes of energy work during my lunch hour.
Now I’m clear on what path in need to follow. I let go of responsibility that wasn’t mine and was dragging me down. I released the stress and sadness I was feeling.
Now I feel happy, clear about which path to take, and I feel a weight has been lifted from my shoulders." - Yuli H., San Diego
Fear, Anger, Guilt, Unbearable Stress, Traumatic Religious Childhood To Clear & Strong
Inner Power Breakthrough
My religious upbringing programmed me to do nothing but serve; and any desire to take care of myself was evil. I was scared, angry, exhausted, and felt guilty all the time.
I felt victimized until I was afraid of people in general because everyone wanted something from me and I couldn’t keep up. Putting my own life and dreams on the back burner fueled my sense of failure. The unbearable stress resulted in physical ailments including constant migraines for 16 years.
With Kelly, I learned how I’d been attracting manipulative people with my energy. She showed me how I was actually impeding their progress by doing everything for them. I am able to understand my life much better now, which has alleviated a tremendous amount of guilt, blame and shame. Learning the language to say, “No,” to others and say, “Yes,” to myself put me on a path I never dreamed I could be on; happier and healthier all the way around.
Toxic people in my life who had been tearing me apart suddenly vanished. I didn’t believe it was possible after an unchanging pattern for 50 years. Having it disappear was astonishing!
For the first time in my life, I feel safe. I sleep peacefully without night terrors. I’ve shifted my energy to care for myself first and now I’m better for everyone in my life.
Now I feel empowered and live a life I choose. I’m closer to my family than I’ve ever been. My husband and adult children see the changes in me; a lightness in my personality and a smile on my face. They grew up with me always being scared and in pain. They are no longer burdened with protecting me; now I stand up for myself. I wish I could have worked with Kelly decades ago, for my family and for me. - Bonnie S., San Diego, CA
Paralyzing Grief, Disconnecting from Marriage
Inner Power Breakthrough - 30 Day Program
There comes a time in a woman’s life when she wakes up, takes a long, hard look in the mirror, and realizes that life is not going according to plan. This moment happened for me earlier this year. I lost my mom to stage 4 lung cancer pretty suddenly and surprisingly this spring. And no amount of personal development had prepared me for the grieving journey I was about to embark on. Not only did I lose my mom – I lost my mojo. My passion. My purpose. And I began disconnecting from my marriage. Grief nearly took me out.
I share all of this with you vulnerably and truthfully because if you find yourself in a space and place where you feel lost, isolated, frustrated, fed up, and/or like you’re fighting a losing battle with life, business, relationships, your body… You Are Not Alone. You can find a way out. A way back to you. In fact, you can access, unleash, and ignite your Next Level you – with a little help, of course!
When I woke up and realized I wasn’t going to get through my grief alone, I decided to ask for help. As Kelly’s mentor in my mastermind, I’d been hearing her share with passion and purpose about her Inner Power Breakthrough days, a personalized, customized, powerful day long immersion she was taking women through. I was already intrigued. But when I gut-checked my intuition about where to go for help with my grief, Kelly instantly came to mind.
What happened next was nothing short of life changing. And my experiences working with Kelly through her Inner Power Breakthrough process transformed me from the inside-out. The grief subsided. My energy returned. My passion and purpose amplified. And the beautiful clients, opportunities, and happiness I’d been feeling were somehow out of reach during my grief showed up in spades.
My work deepened. My marriage re-ignited (if ya know what I mean!). And I fell madly in love with myself, my life, my work, AND even with my grief. - Lisa Steadman, Writer, Producer, Entrepreneur, Los Angeles, CA
Lack of Inspiration, Self-doubt, Fear
Inner Power Breakthrough - 30 Day Program
I have always had great success in whatever I put my mind to in business and sports. Yet, I felt like I was on a roller coaster, taking two steps forward and one step back. I would feel calm and confident knowing exactly how to create success and the next minute doubt and fear would slip in. Before I knew it, I felt like I was up against a brick wall and I struggled to get my inspiration back.
I was introduced to Kelly and her work through successful business women I admired, and saw their shifts after working with her. What I know is that even coaches need coaches so I signed up! During my Inner Power Breakthrough, I learned how the effects of the “old stuff” were creating that feeling of hitting the brick wall. Kelly helped me release the old baggage that was not serving me and weighing me down.
I am thrilled with the results! That subtle heaviness I knew was there but couldn’t shake is finally gone! Kelly taught me a series of simple energetic protection techniques and release processes that I use now to quickly move through any fear or doubt that attempts to creep in. I feel happier and more creative with a new set of tools to stay at the top of my game! If you are ready to make major shifts in your confidence and life, Kelly is a MUST to have on your professional team. - Barrie Pressly, Executive Coach, Florida
Stressed, Fearful, Defensive, Bottled Up
Inner Power Breakthrough - 30 Day Program
I was feeling bottled up, defensive, and knew I wanted a way to deal with my problems and my hang-ups but didn’t know how to go about it. When I would talk about my life, I found myself on the verge of tears. In fact, I would change the station when a sad song came on because I would instantly cry.
I felt stressed about money and fearful and worried about living paycheck to paycheck. Learning that focusing on what you don’t have just keeps it away that much longer changed everything. Since my breakthrough, money has been appearing out of nowhere, including an unexpected check in the mail!
I’ve done counseling and read books but it took a long time, and I didn’t get much results. I did nine months of counseling that included a lot of tears, and a lot of hard work and determination. I dreaded always having to talk about my problems but I thought that’s what you have to do.
I’m so surprised that with Kelly’s method there’s no dwelling on problems, in fact I kept waiting for when I was going to be telling her all my problems and I never had to.
This process was quicker and much more positive and permanent. I loved that I didn’t have to rehash the painful things from the past but could clear them all out and feel open and roomy.
It’s been refreshing and interesting to learn a new and effective way to release what kept me stuck. And THAT is fun! My energy goes up just talking about this program! I love it. I feel very lucky to have met and worked with Kelly.
Now I feel positive and competent. I see all kinds of new, exciting opportunities coming my way. - Donna S., San Diego, CA
Depression, Anger, Sadness, Hiding Hurt
Inner Power Breakthrough - 30 Day Program
I was feeling depressed, angry and sad most of the time, especially in my personal life. I felt unresolved issues in my past, even events that occurred in my early childhood, had prevented me from experiencing the joy and happiness that I should have had at this point in my life.
I had even put on a false face to my husband when we got married because I did not realize the magnitude of my internal pain that was influencing my daily life.
When I turned 50, I realized I didn’t want my next 20-30 years to feel like the last 20 years. There had to be a way to feel happy, and enjoy my life instead of continuing to feel like I was settling, while others around me continued to get what they wanted.
While everyone else thought my life was fine, from the age of 24, I participated in different types of personal growth to seek out solutions to the pain I felt inside. My experience with these programs helped me understand the value of the Inner Power Breakthrough. The synchronicity of how Kelly and I came together locally was a clear sign for us to do this powerful work together.
I was skeptical of how a one-day program could finally make the difference I wanted in my life. It seemed too good to be true.
What I found was that it was easy to jump on the phone with Kelly from the comfort of my home. I quickly realized how much fun it was to see my entire life in a more positive light. It gave me an explanation for what occurred in my past and how it had influenced my day-to-day life.
During our energy work together, I was able to release all the emotional baggage that had kept me stuck for decades in a simple, relaxed way.
In the first week after my breakthrough, I’ve been able to let go of emotions that would have normally led to irrational actions internally and externally. I see the communication and interactions with my husband improving dramatically. Our relationship includes more fun and laughter and we have shared more quality time together in one week than in the last several years! I’ve slept better in the past week since my breakthrough than I have in the last 5 years! - Susie S., San Diego, CA
Feeling Lost, No Direction, Chaotic
Life Clutter To Life Clarity Program (after first 2 sessions)
I felt lost, like my life didn’t really have direction. It was chaotic and I felt sad and angry and anxious most of the time.
In my first session, I learned how to be more positive by paying close attention to the words I used about myself and with my husband and kids. I realized I was saying things that were causing negative things to happen.
I came into my second session stressed about money and by the end, I was in tears because I felt so happy, positive and energized. It was like I’d had a breakthrough. It’s the first time that’s ever happened to me!
I feel more confident now that I can change my life …quickly. Now I know how to create what I want instead of always being upset with other people.
Kelly and I didn’t waste time talking about my problems. We focused on results and that really helped me. I told her she taught me more in our two sessions than in years of counseling!
I feel so empowered from the past three weeks just by learning things I’d never heard before. I feel less anxious because I now have new strategies and tools to create my life the way I want it to be. - Gabriella D., Health Care Management, Mississippi
Prior Traumatic Surgery Experience + Fear of Upcoming Surgery
Clarity & Confidence Jump Start
I was so nervous thinking about going into surgery that I could’ve jumped out of my skin. I was afraid I’d have difficulty coming out of anesthesia, like in a previous surgery, where I felt panicked, unable to breathe and get anyone’s attention.
The energy work was very relaxing and comfortable. Overall I felt a lot calmer and more grounded afterwards. My mind wasn’t racing in all different directions and I felt less scattered.
I’m always working on improving myself and sometimes it can feel overwhelming. Working with Kelly put things into perspective.
Because things made more sense I feel more empowered to do what I want. I also was able to address some things I thought I had already dealt with but were still there. - Karen S., San Diego
Fear, Limiting Beliefs, Uncertainty, Navigating Business Dynamics and Politics
Business Coaching (+ Energy Work - below)
I contacted Kelly when I found myself pulling back from my current job; feeling distracted, and uncertain. Having worked with her many times through the years, I knew she could help pinpoint the underlying cause and clarify my best next steps.
With my science and technology background from NASA and knowledge from working at a start-up, and Kelly's entrepreneurial skills and experience, we quickly realized my side interest that had been splitting my focus was perfectly positioned to become a lucrative business.
The pulling away was my intuition calling me to do something bigger so I could make more of a difference.
Navigating relationships, dynamics, and politics in my current full-time career to bring my team to success while creating my new business model became our focus.
Within four months, I was up and running as an invaluable resource to top university professors in helping physics students get hired and build their dream careers.
Now, I’m confident and clear in my message and marketing as I reach my ideal audience through paid speaking engagements and referrals from primary influencers in my industry.
Kelly’s intuitive business acumen, and energy work that released my fears and limiting beliefs, combined to help form my solid foundation of confidence to achieve exactly what I want for my career and my family.
Taking work-stress home to my husband and kids used to be inevitable and diverted my focus from those I love most. After working with Kelly, stress is easy to understand and release so that my home life is peaceful, and I can be 100% present for my family. Now, I’m able to be the wife and mother I’ve always wanted to be.
This new life with new opportunities, possibilities and contribution truly feeds my soul!
- Amanda A., Texas, Software Developer & Team Manager
Broken Trust, Belittled, Dangerous Situation That Threatened Personal Life
Emotional Release Work
During coaching, Kelly showed me how the main challenges I was facing were all part of a common thread. We identified a theme of broken trust and belittling treatment - the recurring pattern that was negatively affecting my professional and personal life.
I put energy work on the back burner temporarily until it was more affordable. Shortly after, a dangerous situation arose at work that threatened my personal life and family and I knew it was time to take care of it once and for all.
The energy session was so easy, I kept asking if I was doing it right. Kelly assured me everyone asks the same question because it seems too simple and painless to be so powerful.
The next day, all hell broke loose at work and I was amazed at the difference in my response! Normally, I would have been very agitated and spoken up in anger, causing conflict within the team. I would not have been productive the rest of the day, would not have slept that night and it would have disrupted my home life.
After energy work, I was instead able to speak my mind in a calm manner without feeling the need to raise my voice or please everyone. I made my point clearly and then was able to be productive the rest of the day. I then came home to a peaceful evening with a really good story we laughed about.
I thought, “Well, this is new.” And the day after that, I was handed an extra project than more than paid for my session with Kelly. - Amanda A., Texas, Software Developer & Team Manager (repeat client)
Stuck, Frustration
Clarity & Confidence Jump Start
As a logical thinker it seemed I should be able to clear up a struggle I was having on my own. After several frustrating tries and still feeling stuck, I scheduled energy work with Kelly. Before I met her, I’d done the same process in a class and didn’t get the results I wanted in that setting. My logical mind kept interfering.
I felt very comfortable and appreciated Kelly’s personal attention as she walked me step-by-step through a customized experience just for me.
Now I have more clarity about what happens in my life and I was able to release things I didn’t even realize were holding me back. A fresh start feels really good and empowering. When I see the person who used to trigger my emotions, I experience them in a much more empowering way. Before working with Kelly I felt consumed by sadness and fear of the unknown. I now feel clear without sadness. - R.Y., Relationship Coach, Los Angeles, CA
Shattered Self-Worth, Confused, Drained
From Life-Clutter To Life-Clarity
An unhealthy relationship shattered my self-worth and I felt confused and drained (emotionally and physically). At 39, I still want, and feel I deserve, a healthy relationship and family. As I interviewed life coaches and a counselor, Kelly stood out as the one who affirmed that my dream is completely attainable.
During my 3-month program, she went above and beyond with many useful strategies, helping me build my self-worth and confidence and embrace the amazing woman I am! I looked forward our calls and her perspective, insight and feedback. Now, I see my dream quickly manifesting right before my eyes and I feel very grateful and blessed. - Lori, New York
Stuck, Stressed
Emotional Release Work
I felt a heaviness in my body and spirit and I wanted a better way to respond to stress. Kelly walked me step-by-step through identifying, understanding and releasing old emotions that kept me stuck. Now I feel lighter mentally and physically and more confident and empowered in my ability to manage stressful situations effectively. - Jody Holloway, Nutritionist, San Diego, CA
Business Coaching
During my first session Kelly gave me a couple exercises to practice directing my subconscious mind and helping me to sleep better. Within the first week I was sleeping through the night consistently. Something that hasn't happened for me in years. Days can seem very tough when you've lived without good sleep for so long! Getting through the workday is a challenge and it leaves you with no energy for your family or yourself at the end of the day. I'm very grateful for the sleep, for the energy and clear mind the next day! Thanks, Kelly!!! – Amanda Acevedo, Texas (repeat client)
Stress, Anxiety
Confidence Rocks!
The energetic release process and emotional protection has been very helpful. I used to feel anxious in the pit of my stomach and stressed out and now I feel empowered and definitely stronger. And the perspective shifts have been amazing! They free up my thinking and I don’t worry so much and am not so frantic. I feel like I can handle everything a lot better. I even lost weight I couldn’t lose before because I’m using why power rather than willpower. - Arletha, Attorney, North Carolina
Dating Challenges, Emotionally Unavailable
Confidence Rocks!
Dating after 40 wasn’t successful at all and I realized I was emotionally unavailable even though I really wanted to be in a relationship. I wasn’t communicating well and was very closed off. Now I feel more courageous and have more self-respect and confidence with my new communication skills. The energetic protection makes me feel so much safer and secure. This program has helped tremendously and the energy work is the topping on the cake! Kelly’s support with perspective shifts really helps me a lot. I feel like she has my back. - G.M., Florida
Anger, Hurt, Self-Blame - Relieved With Healthy Boundaries
Strategy Session
I was struggling with not having the confidence to stand up for myself. Then I’d feel angry and hurt and blame myself. Kelly gave me a whole new perspective! I could feel her good energy coming through the phone and moving through me making my body feel light. She’s that powerful! I feel relieved. I learned to adjust my own energy and now I have new understanding and confidence to enforce my healthy boundaries. - Donna Smith, Florida
Anxiety, Friend/Boss Relationship
Personality Style Coaching
I’m so grateful for the guidance and help Kelly gave me with a boss/friend challenge. Before working with her, I was anxious and confused. She showed me how to open up and discuss the problem with my friend without losing our friendship and while keeping our working relationship strong and positive. I literally feel like a different person! In fact I wound up losing 40 lbs too! I feel so much healthier and the word I think of now when people ask me how I am is, 'free!' That is a really good feeling. - Amanda A., Texas
Depression, Relationship Challenges, Parental Despair
Powerful Results Coaching
When I contacted Kelly, I was depressed. I hated my job. My marriage wasn’t doing well and I didn’t like spending time with my 2 small children. I felt hopeless and scared. With Kelly’s guidance, I learned how to turn everything around and that first week my life began to change. In addition to a perspective shift that inspired me to love my job I got promoted while everyone else was being downsized. My marriage improved immediately and time with my children is priceless. I taught my 3 year old something Kelly taught me and he showed his 18 month old sister right away! I’m confident my family is set up for success and I’m blown away by the transformation in my life. - Jannina G., Virginia
Tragedy, Guilt, Shame, Fear, Uncertainty, Sadness, Unmet Expectations
Emotional Release & Coaching
After an 18 month search, I finally have the perfect job and a great home in a new state, close to family. After a few months I noticed something was missing and I couldn’t put my finger on it. My expectations of how I thought I would feel weren’t being met. I felt weighed down with uncertainty. Kelly walked me through clearing a deep sadness from a past tragedy and shifting my energy to release what was dragging me down. Now I feel free, happy and re-energized and I know how to balance my energy. I’ve also become very creative for the first time in my life feeling freed up to express myself fully. - Keli M., Paralegal, Texas
Frustration, Lack of Focus, Overwhelm, Guilt
From Life-Clutter To Life-Clarity
When I contacted Kelly I was frustrated with not having the focus I wanted and my priorities weren’t in order. The guilt I felt about not getting my to-dos done was really dragging me down. Kelly showed me how to shift my perspective which changed guilt into freedom and inspiration to keep moving forward. And she showed me a new system that gave me energy and enthusiasm to get things done. Now I’m inspired by a new sense of clarity and I have the freedom to have both priorities on a level playing field and I’m rocking them both! - Pam S., North Carolina, President, Accent Unlimited
Choosing Negative Relationship Partners to Attracting Quality Men Instantly
Emotional Release of Destructive Generational Pattern
I kept finding myself in marriages and relationships with alcoholic men who had little or no ambition. Being a positive, successful woman myself, I couldn’t understand why this kept happening. Kelly took me through a visualization where we identified the cause of my 32 years of relationship challenges in about 20 minutes. Just hours after learning from identifying the cause and releasing it, I began to attract a completely different quality of men. - Nancy S., North Carolina
Decades of Air Sickness To Vacationing Frequently Feeling Great
Emotional Release Work - 15 minutes
I had experienced air-sickness as far back as I could remember. I tried pills, patches and magnets but nothing worked. I felt embarrassed and dreaded flying even for vacations. Kelly walked me through a visualization where I learned what triggered the air-sickness 31 years ago and released it. I flew a couple hours later and felt great the whole way. Now I can look forward to flying without concern or embarrassment. - Luana S., San Diego, California
Unable To Pass Exam For Work
Emotional Release and Guided Visualization for Success
I have to score 72% to pass a very difficult exam for a work certification. After 600+ hours of study, and 30 practice exams, I was stuck at 68.88%. I worked with Kelly for less than 30 minutes over the phone and raised my score to 85% the same day! AND I got my first 100% on a quiz! I’m thrilled! – Luana S., San Diego, CA
Medication Making Illness Worse, Domestic Violence
Powerful Results Coaching
I went to a doctor who gave me medication that masked my physical illness. The illness got worse. I got coaching from Kelly and found the emotions that created the physical illness and released them so I could heal myself. Kelly and I used guided visualizations and I felt healing taking place in my body like a warm glow. An anticipated surgery wasn't necessary after all.
I was in counseling for a year but all we did was talk about my problems. I felt worse. Working with Kelly, I learned that talking about problems rather than learning from them and releasing the emotional connection just keeps them influencing your life that much longer. After my interview with her, I knew I would be able to make the changes I wanted. After my first coaching session, my life began to improve dramatically and I use what I’ve learned from Kelly every day. I’m much healthier and happier and my marriage is improving as a side benefit. - Rose M, Belfast, Ireland
Overwhelm, Frustration Building Business
Business Coaching
I began coaching with Kelly feeling overwhelmed and frustrated by some of the processes to build my business. She taught me how to follow through one step at a time with a positive attitude and that the energy we are creating with will show up in our results. She helped me pick myself up and stay steady during the passing of my father, one of the most challenging periods of my life. I remember Kelly’s compassionate words, ‘At the core you are a strong woman, and you will survive this and you will be even stronger because of this.’ She taught me there’s always a way. Now I feel empowered, happy and aligned with my purpose and the products I am creating. More now than ever!
I recommend Kelly Rudolph as a coach because she is super web tech savvy, extremely intelligent, and gets right to the heart of the matter and to the point of whatever we are working on. I know that Kelly is deeply resourced and shares her gifts with an open heart. Kelly is a GEM and whoever she coaches is really fortunate to have found her. - Tracy G., Southern California
Kelly is one of the most inspirational women I have had the privilege to work with. She talks the talk and walks the walk by living an empowered and joyful life you want and a life you deserve. She excels in guiding women through their current situation of stuck and dissatisfied in life to a life that is nothing short of magical.
Kelly’s genuine and sincere nature inspires trust and creates a feeling of safety, making it easy and fun to “clean out the closets” of life. She is an incredibly talented coach who quickly gets to the heart of the matter and helps you work through issues that have been keeping you stuck and unhappy. Her upbeat and cheerful demeanor is like sunshine on a dreary winter’s day. With Kelly’s coaching, women make incredible progress and break through barriers that have been holding them back from living an amazing life.
If you are looking for healing, hope, and happiness Kelly is the one that will get you there! - Kirsten N., Executive Project Manager, Washington
Bad Habits, Eating Unhealthy Foods
Quick Habit Change (25 minutes)
When I would do laundry, there was so much and it took so long that I didn’t have the desire to put it away. It would sit out for weeks sometimes and I felt frustrated every time I saw it. After working with Kelly, I don’t even have to think about it. I automatically put the laundry away and feel complete and satisfied.
I used to crave French fries and always added them to my meal to get the good deal. Then I felt bad about myself for eating them and sluggish afterward. And now after working with Kelly, the cravings are gone! I feel better about myself for deleting fries and more energetic because I’m eating healthier. - Diane C., Apartment Manager, San Diego, CA
Needed More Positive Outlook, Weight Issue
Life Strategies subscriber
Hey Kelly! I just wanted to thank you. I have lost 15 pounds and I know that your teachings and tips on positivity have helped me! Thank you for being a part of my life and for being you! - Kim A., Ohio
Old Outdated Habit
Quick Habit Change (10 minutes)
I recently moved and found myself reaching for the kitchen light switch on the ‘wrong side of the doorway’ (where it was in my previous house). I was resigned that changing this habit would take weeks. Kelly and I worked with this for about 10 minutes and I truly have reached for the light switch on the correct side of the door ever sense our conversation. Amazing! - Christine B., Dating Coach, Southern California
PWRful Results Coaching
I'd never felt worthy of investing in myself but the same problems kept coming back again and again. I could have used that money for vacation but realized I’d come home to my old problems afterward and wouldn’t be able to fully relax anyway. With Kelly’s coaching, I feel like I’m on vacation every day because I have peace of mind and clarity about my life and my bright future. - Karen T. in California
20 Minutes Better Than 2 Years of Therapy
20-Minute Strategy Session
Thank you Kelly so much for taking time to chat with me. You gave me so much more in 20 minutes than I got in 2 years of counseling. You are so right on! I wrote down everything you said and every time I read it over I find myself in a trusting place. I am a strong person and you gave me all that I did not want to here but needed to look at this problem in a different light. I just kept on-track with what you said. It made so much sense to me. I felt a sense of peace just hearing your voice. Now I am happy to be a client! - Conley A., Hair Dresser, San Diego, CA
Fear In Business, Stuck, Frustration
Emotional Release (2 hours)
I started the session thinking, all I want is to know is why do I stop myself in my business ventures. Well, it was a journey!!! Kelly is so amazing, so friendly, so positive, I trusted her as soon as we started, regardless of my trust issues. She took me to times and places in my life where I never knew was possible, she lead me through the good, the not so good, the future, the past and finally to the core of my problem. After the session, she did not just leave me there, because our time was up, instead she taught me a few things I could do to help me find my way.
Thank you Kelly!!! You helped me find the core of my issue. You are a genius. - Alyssa B., Salon Owner/Stylist, San Diego, California
Lack of Confidence, Worthiness, Not Smart Enough
Business Coaching
I didn’t feel confident, worthy enough or smart enough to do what was necessary to get my business off the ground. As a result of implementing what I learned from Kelly, I feel my life has purpose as I now recognize my passion! Because I feel more confident and capable, I am happier. Kelly is intuitive and quickly taps into which areas to focus on. She’s very easy to talk to and always makes me feel better about myself and what I’m doing by the end of every coaching session. - Jane K., Sydney Australia
Uncertainty About Educational Direction
Life Strategies subscriber
Wow. I love you. You've managed to give me more insight about my life in 2 emails than 7 years of higher education have AND you just saved me another 2 years + xxx,xxx.xx amount of dollars! - Sahar F., New York City