My passion is guiding you step-by-step to quickly delete emotional baggage from the past so you can feel happy, healthy, confident, and free in your career, personal life, and relationships. - Kelly Rudolph

It's Your Life
Until you learn to use your inner power, your life is created by default and you will continue to feel stuck and stressed.
This is the difference between...
- Feeling stuck, angry and overwhelmed and feeling inspired, happy and peaceful.
- Feeling unhealthy, fearful and uncertain and feeling vibrant, confident and empowered.
- Feeling lost, alone and defeated and feeling on-purpose, connected and strong.
My Credentials
I’m an experienced, highly trained and Certified: Life Coach, Hypnotherapist and NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) Practitioner.
My powerful work with the subconscious mind (where problems reside and are solved) began in 1984 with a Native American Medicine Man and continues today with top instructors and mentors.
For seven years I wrote for the largest relationship advice website and my online and offline articles are syndicated and shared extensively by my worldwide audience.

What this means to you
Working with me puts you on the fast-track to solving your problems once and for all. Talk is surface-level and deals with the conscious mind – NOT where your problems reside and NOT where they can be solved.
Every problem has a root cause that needs to be released from a deeper place. There is never a need to re-live or re-feel any painful or scary memories to do it.
I walk my clients step-by-step through my proven and highly successful system to awaken and ignite their inner power.
We align all four bodies (spiritual, mental, emotional and physical), which work together to support your success.
When you work with me, you get a customized game plan with the exact path we will follow to get you from where you are now to where you want to be. It’s tangible enough to hang on your wall to keep you inspired!

Dreams can only come true...

...if you keep dreaming them!
My Story
You know the tall, skinny redhead in school who is constantly teased and never picked for teams? That was me growing up and I felt lost and alone. Then the school nurse told my mom I needed to wear glasses.
My parents found a way to afford them (even though it was a financial stretch) but I never wore them for fear I'd be teased even more. It was a metaphor. My choice was literally not to see what was going on around me because it was painful and I didn't know what to do about it.
In my 20's I was successful as one of the first female paramedics in the U.S. I courageously jumped out of the first plane I ever flew in, moved to Hawaii, San Diego and Lake Tahoe by myself and outwardly was a confident, happy woman. However, decisions I made with my hidden low self-esteem led me to become a survivor of years of rape and domestic violence by age 29.
Similar situations break women daily but what it broke in me was the ceiling on my self-esteem and confidence. It dared me to step into my power!
Using what I’d learned about my subconscious mind, I ignited my inner power and released the trauma to move forward. My passion for helping others inspired me to create my company SURVIVE! Self-Defense LLC, where I personally trained thousands of men, women, teens and kids over the next 12 years, appearing on local and national TV, writing and publishing 4 books and a DVD and becoming a sought-after speaker and trainer for Fortune 500 companies, organizations and schools. My classes and talks were fun, entertaining and empowering, just like my coaching style is today.
Recruited by the largest personal growth company in the WORLD, I fell in love with coaching as a member of a professional coaching team. Today, my worldwide clientele enjoys powerful customized strategies and game plans that guide them from where they are now to where they want to be.
Learning how to step up, step forward and step into my power has allowed me to create a life I love and prevent much of the stress and fear other women face. It is my intention to shine a light for other women who are ready to do the same.
I’ve boldly created my own magnificent life-transformation by stepping into my power, steering clear of the common trap that creates a future based on pain from the past, and I can show you how to do the same!
Two of my many personal success stories using the same proven system I use with my clients...
Success #1: I bought a $2 framed beach poster at a yard sale that inspired me to move six hours away to the beach within three months but had no friends, clients or place to live there. Three WEEKS later I moved in to a condo at the beach and had Fortune 500 clients.
Success #2: In the spring of 2013, after experiencing dozens of intense hot flashes day and night for six weeks, I completely and naturally eliminated them and haven’t had one since. My clients' experiences and transformations have been just as powerful.
Step Up, Step Forward, & Step Into Your Power!
You deserve to feel happy, free and confident.