The Inner Power Secret Free Training

Because YOU Need To Know How Powerful You Are


Sign Up Below For A FREE 31-Minute Training


Learn How To Take Charge Of Your Life, Success, & Happiness, & Reduce Stress, Anxiety, & Overwhelm

Kelly Rudolph yacht

You may feel like you:

  1. Are settling in your relationships or can’t find the right one
  2. Get dragged down by other peoples’ energy
  3. Can’t seem to lose weight and keep it off
  4. Haven’t progressed like you want in your career
  5. Are overwhelmed with too much to do and not enough time
  6. Or feel out of control of your life, cravings, addiction, mental health, etc.


  1. Life is good
  2. You love where you are
  3. Your ducks are in a row... AND YOU WANT TO TEACH THEM HOW TO DANCE!

If so, YOU are in the RIGHT place!


In 31 minutes, I will show you:

  1. The part of you that protects AND sabotages you at the same time and how to transform it to support your success.
  2. How to make what you HAVE to do manageable and what you WANT to do possible.
  3. And the tremendous power you ALREADY have to create what you want in your life.

BONUS: I'll show you why it's so difficult to develop self-love, lose weight and keep it off, and stand out from the crowd to create the love, life, and success you want.

Inner Power Secret - Positive Women Rock

A few of the many Success Stories

Laura S. Positive Women Rock"The pain I was suffering from for 5 months is about 80 to 90% gone after our energy session. To the point that I cancelled my MRI and my bone scan and my appointment with my doctor for next week."
- Laura S., CA

YH Positive Women Rock"After a violent attack, I felt devastated, depressed, hopeless, anxious, afraid, and had insomnia. I chose to stop taking heavy drugs the psychiatrist prescribed and work with Kelly instead. I quickly released the fear, guilt, and trauma... and healed." 
- Yuli H., CA

Laura success story, Positive Women Rock“Years of anxiety/depression, low self-esteem, and intermittent insomnia melted away with the work Kelly and I did over the phone in one day.”
– Laura V., Chicago

Emily, Inner Power Breakthrough Client, Positive Women Rock

“The knee pain I’d had for TWO years disappeared after a few minutes of energy work with Kelly in January of 2017.”
– Emily R., NY

Kelly Rudolph Certified Life CoachAnd this is just ONE of mine: “SIX solid weeks of severe back-to-back hot flashes stopped after one hour of energy work, and I haven’t had one since May of 2013.”
– Kelly Rudolph, CA

Client Teri Inner Power Breakthrough with Kelly Rudolph“The PTSD and 3 traumatic brain injuries I suffered with are 80% improved after working with Kelly.”
– Teri O., FL

I’m Kelly Rudolph, founder of Positive Women Rock and creator of the Inner Power Breakthrough. With extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind since 1984, I am honored to be the bridge for women over 40 to get from stuck and stressed to clear and confident.

Join me for this powerful, FREE, 31-minute training for more clarity and confidence immediately!

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