The 15-minute workout that has kept me fit and healthy since the year 2000!
I'm Kelly Rudolph, Certified Life Coach and I bought a video from an infomercial in the year 2000 that changed my life for good! Here, I share success stories from me and other women who gave my favorite workout a chance and stayed with it to achieve GREAT results!
If you've already learned to harness the power of oxygen, you've noticed that you are fit and trim, healthy and energetic every day. Sound too good to be true? All of us with success stories below thought so too... Adding just 15 or 17 minutes of my favorite workout to your daily routine could bring you many benefits:
- Better muscle tone
- Inch loss
- Increased energy
- Improved flexibility
- Greater strength and endurance
- Boost your metabolic rate and burn extra calories
- Lose excess fat gradually and safely
- Better sleep
- Improved circulation
- Less stress
- Improved sense of well-being
- Greater peace of mind
- Improved self image
- Increased self confidence
My Story: Slim, Fit And Healthy In 15 Minutes Per Day, NO Sweat!
Since the year 2000, when I learned to harness the power of oxygen from a video I bought on an infomercial, I have been healthy, fit and full of energy every day. I used the same 15 minute workout video tape every single day from Fall 2000 to Fall 2002 - 728 consecutive days (minus 2 days filming with John Walsh (of America's Most Wanted) in New York - hotel room was the size of a postage stamp!). It didn't even occur to me to get one of the other workouts they offer. Now I have them ALL and my daily (EVERY day) 15-min workout is even more fun. And you know what? For the first two years, I wasn't even doing the breath 100% correctly and check out the results I got...
I lost 18 lbs and 23 inches in the first 6 weeks. PMS symptoms and stress were drastically reduced. Gym vs. No Sweat 15 Minute Workout
I love the gym, and have been a "gym rat" since 1980, so I used the 15-minute workout a few times per week and went to the gym every day. On July 1, 2009 I scheduled a photo shoot for three weeks later. I knew the best and quickest way I'd found to sculpt my body was NOT to be found at the gym so I added Oxycise back into my daily routine.
For variety, I ordered all of the other Oxycise workouts and mix them up. My waist decreased by 4 inches in the first two weeks, my hips decreased 2 inches and each thigh 1.5 inches. I felt great for my photo shoot and was very happy with the way I looked. After the shoot, I continued my workout and by December 2009 had lost 10 lbs, and several more inches.
Since December 2009, I've Oxycised every single day. March 31, 2010, I happily let my gym membership go to focus on the workout that has always been most beneficial for me. In 2014 I joined Jazzercise because it's fun and I'm going back to the gym because it's my happy place, and my Oxycise workout is the ONE I will ALWAYS do daily because it is the MOST effective. Many people just do it without any other workouts and you can do that too. Since the gym machines are so fun for me, I switched back to the gym January 2018 and still ALWAYS Oxycise daily.
Although I rarely get sick or hurt, since 2000, I've had plenty of days I could have easily put off a workout. When I do it anyway the oxygen and breathing helps me to feel better. I've Oxycised with the flu, colds, a pinched nerve (from the gym), pulled muscles and a badly sprained wrist. Using the power of oxygen for overall health is vital and I've proven it again and again in my own life.
When To Oxycise?
I Oxycise EVERY SINGLE DAY. Sometimes immediately after I eat, sometimes right before bedtime and other times in 3-5 minute increments throughout the day but it always works and I always feel great! I've even worked out at 3 am after a long day of work or travel because my day isn't complete without me taking care of my body. You can do the Oxy-breath while driving too! Or doing any other workout and increase your results. During the winter, just 3 Oxycise breaths warm up my whole body instantly - so it saves on the electric bill. 😉 And if I get stressed, a few Oxy-breaths is all it takes to calm me down or lessen a headache. My world changed when I learned to harness the power of OXYGEN.
Oxycise burns 140% more calories than riding a stationary bicycle. ~ findings by Dr. Girandola during USC Oxycise study in 1996 (source: Oxycise book)
Strong abs are essential for effective self-defense Formerly "Your Personal Safety Trainer," I found that many men and women lacked the abdominal muscles necessary for effective self-defense. Attacks usually go to the ground and you must be able to tuck your knees up to keep them between you and the attacker.
Oxycise gives you that vital strength! Jill Johnson, the creator of the Oxycise workout, has been helping people lose weight for over 25 years - healthfully. And even if you don't need to lose weight, the Oxycise breath is excellent for general health. There are numerous testimonials on her site.
How To Order:
The Oxycise 15-Minute Workout << Click that (affiliate link - same price, I get a % for referring you) If you prefer I don't get paid a small %, go to on your own because I really want you to feel great as soon as possible! 😉 I suggest you order the “TV Special – Standard Series.” It’s a great deal and has everything you need. Click on the banner link or image and go to "Start Here" in the upper Right corner to order. There are downloads or DVD's!
Some of my results:
- facial and neck muscles and skin tightened
- much more energy throughout the day
- absence of jiggles - Woohoo!
- flat tummy, firm legs, strong arms, tight buttisimo
- decreased monthly PMS symptoms
- more sound sleep
- better self-image
- clothes fit better
- lost 18 lbs
- lost a lot of inches
- stay well even during virus season
- melted away cellulite
- decreased appetite
Are you wondering, like I was, why EVERYONE doesn't know about this workout? I first saw it on an infomercial in 2000 and as a happy customer, I'm helping get the word out. Just think of how much money goes into the fitness industry each year, even though most people never do the workouts. It's a tragic, unhealthy epidemic and I'm excited to have a hand in changing it with a fun, simple, quick, effective workout! GRAB IT HERE!
Below are a couple of my personal friends' success stories!
Tricia's Story:My life before Oxycise was quite different than it is today. I weighed 200 lbs and was a size 18. I had been going to the gym 4 to 5 times a week for an hour or more lifting weights, running on the treadmill, taking yoga classes and even using the elliptical machine. I wasn’t losing weight and my body felt like it was falling apart. I had shin splints; my calves were tight and always cramping. I was quite discouraged at my lack of progress, but kept going to the gym because what else do you do to lose weight? When the plantar fasciitis flared up in both feet I had to quit going all together. What do you do when you can’t even go walking without severe pain? It sounded too good to be true. 15 minutes a day, no jarring exercise, no gym membership, lose weight quickly and have more energy? What?! I began in earnest in March of 2012. I was Oxycising 6 to 7 days a week. Within the first week I had lost 5 inches!!! I was sold. The best part of the whole thing was I could do it anywhere after memorizing the routine. My biggest goal was to lose weight and not be in pain when I exercise. I wanted to tone up and be healthy. There are so many health risks when you are overweight and I did not want to be another statistic and get diabetes or heart disease. I wanted to actually achieve these goals instead of just dreaming about them. Some weeks I would do the commutercise more than the level one. As long as I was doing one or the other it counted. Some weeks I lost more than others. The key was to keep going even when I was discouraged or lazy. My sister and I would text every day letting each other know of our progress and encouraging each other to continue on. We would even look up other isometric exercises to change up our routines and make it more challenging. It is such a versatile program. I even use yoga poses with it. I was in 2 car accidents last year and Oxycise helped me manage the pain and headaches. I definitely notice I am sore and get more headaches if I don’t oxycise at least 6 days a week. I would rather spend 15 minutes Oxycising than taking pain medication. It is so awesome! In just over a year I have lost 48 lbs and 50.5 inches. I am down to a size 12!!! My old clothes look ridiculously big on me now. I have about 20 lbs to go; I'm confident Oxycise will get me there and I encourage everyone to give it a chance! It really works! I am slimmer, even in my calves and I can wear the cute zip up boots I could never wear before. I have so much more energy and stamina. I could go on and on listing the great things about Oxycise. I tell people about it all the time. Just do it!! I love Oxycise!!! Tricia Harrild - Ordinary Citizen, healthier, skinnier and happier Utah |